Featuring unique items created by Hisashi Kiyomizu and a diverse range of series from TOKINOHA, this shop offers a wide lineup that is sure to please anyone who loves pottery. It is a space where you can fully enjoy the charm of Kiyomizu-yaki pottery.
His pottery is made to be sturdy and durable yet easy to use in daily life. The natural texture, which highlights the unique texture of the clay, blends well with any dining table. The unique and charming earthenware made by Hisashi Kiyomizu can only be purchased at HOTOKI.
昭和25年生まれ。陶芸家・五代清水六兵衛の孫であり、彫刻家・清水禮四郎の長男。 京都府⽴陶⼯高等技術専門校成形科卒業後、陶芸家・⼋⽊⼀夫⽒に師事。昭和50年に独⽴し、⾃宅兼⼯房である「きよ陶房」にて製作をはじめる。同時期に陶芸教室も開講。平成27年、「きよ陶房」改め「HOTOKI」をオープン。今も日々土と向き合い、うつわを作り続けています。
Born in 1950. He is the grandson of potter Rokubei Kiyomizu the 5th and the eldest son of sculptor Reishiro Kiyomizu. He graduated from the Kyoto Prefectural Ceramics Technical Institute and studied under Kazuo Hachiya. He established his own studio in 1975. "Kiyo Tobo" was renamed and reopened as "HOTOKI" in 2015. He faces the clay every day and continues to create earthenware.
This series of tableware features patterns that resemble sewing lines, which are drawn on the surface by using a tool called "roulette." The warm earthy colors of the pottery match beautifully with the dancing roulette patterns, making these dishes a joy to have on the dining table.
A series of tableware featuring eye-catching gold and silver patterns drawn on the edges of pottery with a white coating. These dishes instantly add a touch of elegance to the atmosphere of everyday dining. As they have a celebratory feel, they are also recommended as gifts for special occasions.
Earthenware by TOKINOHA gets completed by being used in everyday life.
We strive for a simple and modest design, so that the pottery is completed only when the food is served on it. We aim to create dishes that enrich our lives and accompany us in our daily lives. We have a diverse and abundant series of dishes to choose from.
TOKINOHAは、清水久の長男である清水大介が自分の陶芸の道を探す中で、清水友恵とともに2009年から始めた活動です。2021年には京都・清水焼団地に工房兼ショップ「TOKINOHA Ceramic Studio」をオープン。普段使いのうつわから、プロの料理人のためのオーダーメイドなど、清水焼の魅力を世界に向けて発信しています。
Daisuke Kiyomizu was born in Kyoto as the great-grandson of “Godaime” or the 5th generation of potter “Rokubei Kiyomizu”. TOKINOHA is an activity that Daisuke and Tomoe, his wife, began in 2009 as a pursuit for his style of pottery. In 2021, he opened "TOKINOHA Ceramic Studio," a studio and store, in Kiyomizu-yaki Danchi in Kyoto. They are promoting the appeal of Kiyomizu-yaki pottery to the world, including everyday tableware and custom-made items for professional chefs.
This series was born as a result of trial and error. In the process of testing with hard-to-control, copper-based glaze, we achieved creating the beautiful, fluctuating pattern of blue and purple by pure luck. This series is distinctive with a slight touch of rough texture, combined with an expression of mineral-like gleam. “Simple yet refined” may best describe the intricate form of this series.
A custom order from a café owner in Arashiyama was the origin of the Tetra series. Smooth luster glaze adds an easy-to-wash quality to this functional ware. The four heart-warming colors of white, green, blue, and yellow bring “brightness” into our lives on the table and in the cupboards.
The origin of this series is inspired from African indigenous costume. We bring out the best of two techniques, indispensable to the history of pottery, called Iroe (multicolored overglaze) and Kohiki (white slip ware), by reclaiming them with color hues that are suitable for modern designs of homes today. Kohiki pottery is known as the “evolving ware” because each piece experiences its own unique transformation upon every use.